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<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"><channel><title>Best Local Things</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/</link><description>Best Local Things</description><atom:link href="https://bestlocalthings.com/feeds/fl/parrish.rss" rel="self"></atom:link><language>en-us</language><lastBuildDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 -0000</lastBuildDate><image><url>https://bestlocalthings.com/media-library/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy81MjA3OTYxNy9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTc2NTEzNTMwNX0.6fwleD8NAbM2svyWEPxfN_dH57e6YHsSaDL9emDqgqM/image.jpg?width=210</url><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/</link><title>Best Local Things</title></image><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-22-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-22-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-21-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-21-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-20-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-20-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-19-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-19-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-18-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-18-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-15-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-15-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-14-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-14-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-13-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-13-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-12-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-12-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-11-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-11-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-08-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-08-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-07-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-07-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-06-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-06-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-05-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-05-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-04-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:06:11 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-04-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-01-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:05:08 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-12-01-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>North Pole Express</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-11-30-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p>All Aboard!</p>
<p>Join us this December for a 35-minute ride from Parrish, FL to the North Pole. Upon arrival, everyone will detrain at our special North Pole station where Santa awaits to visit with every child. During your stay a variety of entertainment, activities, camp fires and all the hot chocolate and cookies you care to eat are included with every train ticket.</p>
<p>Additional food and beverage will be available for purchase at the North Pole.</p>
<p>The entire experience lasts approximately 3.5 hours, starting and ending with a 35 minute train ride to and from the North Pole.</p>
<p><strong>Hours:</strong><br/>Boarding Begins: 4:45 pm, 6:50 pm<br/>Depart Parrish: 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm<br/>Arrive North Pole: 5:50 pm, 7:50 pm<br/>Depart North Pole: 8:20 pm, 10:20 pm<br/>Arrive Parrish: 8:55 pm, 10:55 pm</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 06:05:08 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/north-pole-express-2024-11-30-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>7 Best Wineries and Vineyards in Florida!</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/wineries-vineyards</link><description><![CDATA[
<img src="https://bestlocalthings.com/media-library/fl-wineries.jpg?id=52082604&width=980"/><br/><br/><p>Is there anything better than kicking back on a beautiful sunny day with a glass of wine made from locally-grown grapes? Well, there is plenty of both in the Sunshine State. With an abundance of wineries in a beautiful landscape, you’ll find just the place to please your wine-loving palette. Here are our 7 favorite wineries in the state. </p><h3>Emerald Coast Wine Cellars, Miramar Beach, FL</h3><br/><p>Along with a sister wine store in DeFuniak Springs, the Emerald Coast Wine Cellars offers a wide variety of take-home items. The item that stands out the most is the Chautauqua Wines, sold exclusively at this location. Red and white wines are available, along with blackberry and blueberry wines. Staples such as chardonnay, port, zinfandel, sherry and merlot are always in stock. Other items for purchase include jams and jellies, grape juice, skin care items, wine gifts, grapeseed oils and stemware. Candles and muscadine syrup are also for sale. The two-story retail store is open daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for tastings and tours, with the tastings being free. </p><h3>Bunker Hill Vineyard, Duette, FL</h3><br/><p>Bunker Hill Vineyard is a Certified Florida Farm Winery, with a strong trademark statement. “Handcrafted wine is our trademark. Exceptional taste is our pledge,” the vineyard proclaims. Open daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the vineyard offers complimentary wine and jam tastings. They are an environmentally-responsible winery, as well. The process of using 100 percent recycled wine bottles reduces their carbon footprint by 60 percent. The vineyard uses glass carboys to store and age their bottled wine in their wine cellar. This process eliminates the use of oak barrels and shows the company’s commitment to protecting the environment. A few other activities that sets this winery apart include wedding hosting and internships. </p><h3>Monticello Vineyards & Winery, Monticello, FL </h3><br/><p>On a 50-acre parcel of land, Monticello Vineyards & Winery is in Northern Florida, in the Red Hills bioregion of Jefferson County. A small farm winery that runs on organic muscadine grapes is also a USDA-certified organic vineyard. Over 18 variations of muscadine grapes are grown at this winery, and during the months of August and September, guests can pick fresh grapes. The winery is open for tastings and sales, with hours set for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is suggested that appointments be set, and are welcome for visits outside of regular business hours. Wines are available for purchase in both a semi-sweet and dry flavor. </p><h3>The Florida Winery, Madeira Beach, FL</h3><br/><p>Just steps away from the beach, there sits quite a unique, and award-worthy winery. Inside their 900-square foot work space sits aging tanks, filters and bottling station behind the front window. With 20 varieties in production currently, The Florida Winery produces big in a small area. During their first four years, the company took home approximately 50 awards. Their tasting bar is open all day, with free tastings of all flavors. When visiting, be sure to taste their honey wine. Pirate Mead, an orange blossom honey wine, was the No. 1 honey wine in America two years in a row. The product won best of class honey wine in years 2011 and 2012, at the Indy international wine competition. Another taste-favorite is Razi. This flavor has been the leader of the Vino Revolution, the top seller since doors opened at the winery. </p><h3>Schnebly Redland’s Winery & Brewery, Homestead, FL</h3><br/><p>Schnebly’s combines the art of brew and winery press, and features an open-door policy for their workspace. Weekend tours of this winery and brewery are available. Each tour lasts about 40 minutes and takes visitors through the stunning estate, offers the history of the family, and takes guests through the wine making process. You will also have the special chance to visit their brewery, Miami Brewing Company, and learn all about how they craft their brews. See first-hand the steps required create their unique Schnebly Wines and Miami Brewing Co. Beers.</p><h3>Flagler Beachfront Winery, Flagler Beach, FL</h3><br/><p>Flagler Beachfront Winery offers a full food menu, allowing for the perfect pairing of wine and bread at any tasting. Grab an outside table, and let the relaxing ocean sounds and sights provide the perfect backdrop for a tasting. Virtually always open, visitors can plan a visit any day of the week. Monday through Thursday, they are open noon to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, noon to 11 p.m. and Sunday is noon to 9 p.m. as well. </p><h3>Summer Crush Vineyard & Winery, Fort Pierce, FL</h3><br/><p>Formerly known as Endless Summer, this vineyard and winery is a popular choice for those visitors to Fort Pierce. What sets this winery apart from others is that they are the only Florida winery to have won a gold medal at the 2013 Finger Lakes International Wine Competition. All their handcrafted Florida wines are international wine competition winners. They are open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. There are special events announced for weekends, so check out their website before making the trip. Winery tours are at noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturdays, with no reservations needed. A brief history of the winery, Florida wines and the growing of grapes will be covered in the tour. Tastings are $8 per person, and includes a vineyard logo wine glass. While there, browse their unique gift shop for the perfect takeaway souvenir. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Tue, 02 Jan 2024 06:00:29 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/wineries-vineyards</guid><category>Evergreen</category><category>Entertainment</category><dc:creator>Debra Pamplin</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url="https://bestlocalthings.com/media-library/fl-wineries.jpg?id=52082604&amp;width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Best Pet Stores in Florida!</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/pet-stores</link><description><![CDATA[
<img src="https://bestlocalthings.com/media-library/fl-pet-boutique.jpg?id=52087526&width=980"/><br/><br/><p>Your pet isn’t just an animal—it’s your furry, feathered, or scaly family member, and they deserve to be treated like it. Florida is home to some top-notch pet stores that make shopping for your pet as much fun as shopping for yourself. From food to fashions to supplies (and in some cases, even the pets themselves!), you’ll find everything you need at these best pet stores in Florida. </p><h3>Pets Supplies Plus, Parrish, FL</h3><br/><p>This award-winning pet shop is so much more than a retail store—consider them a partner in caring for your pet. Their staff is dedicated to helping you choose the best food and supplies for your pet at prices that put their national competitors to shame. Soon they’ll be offering a local delivery service to make shopping for your pet easier than ever. </p><h3>Auggie's Pet Supplies, Fort Lauderdale, FL</h3><br/><blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink="https://www.instagram.com/p/BYdZJRqF_DZ/" data-instgrm-version="4" style="background:#FFF; border:0;
                border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
                margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px);
                width:calc(100% - 2px);">
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<div style="background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;">
<div style="background:url(); display:block; height:44px;
                        margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;">
<p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;">
<a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BYdZJRqF_DZ/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;
                        font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;
                        word-wrap:break-word;" target="_top">See on Instagram</a>
</blockquote><script async="" defer="" src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script><p>Part pet store, part pet care, Auggie’s Pet Supplies focuses on natural, holistic needs. They’re the go-to source for natural pet food and advice for cats and dogs alike. They’ll even hook you up with some free samples to make sure you’re getting a pet food your four-legged friend is sure to love.</p>
<h3>Whalton’s Pet Shop, Marathon, FL</h3><br/><p>Whalton’s Pet Shop is your go-to source for pets and pet supplies alike. A shopping trip here is more like an experience, with plenty of furry and feathered friends to keep you company while you look around. They have their own line of pet food for birds, fish, and small animals, in addition to top dog and cat food brands like Fromm, Earthborn, Nutro, and more. It’s also one of Florida’s oldest locally owned pet stores, dating back all the way to 1964!</p><h3>Critters Corner Pet Shop, New Smyrna Beach, FL</h3><br/><p>They’ve survived the past three decades because they know what it takes to create the best pet shop experience. From carrying the best brands in pet food to offering full service grooming to boarding your pet bird and more, you won’t find a neighborhood pet shop quite like this anywhere else. Their staff is friendly and know how to help you get the most from your purchases. </p>]]></description><pubDate>Sat, 23 Dec 2023 06:01:18 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/pet-stores</guid><category>Evergreen</category><category>Directory</category><dc:creator>Alli Hill</dc:creator><media:content medium="image" type="image/jpeg" url="https://bestlocalthings.com/media-library/fl-pet-boutique.jpg?id=52087526&amp;width=980"></media:content></item><item><title>Parrish Arts Council</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/parrish-arts-council-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<div class="MW5IWV">
<div class="MmP6go comp-ipy5ibja">
<div class="BaOVQ8 tz5f0K comp-ipy4zydt wixui-rich-text">
<p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text">The Parrish Arts Council is about promoting</span></p>
<ul class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><li class="wixui-rich-text__text">
<p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text">ART EDUCATION</span></p>
<li class="wixui-rich-text__text">
<p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text">ARTS in Parrish and surrounding communities.</span></p>
<li class="wixui-rich-text__text">
<p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text">ARTISTS</span></p>
</ul><p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixGuard wixui-rich-text__text">​</span></p>
<p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text"><span class="wixui-rich-text__text">Our mission</span></span></span></span></span></p>
<p class="font_8 wixui-rich-text__text">Parrish Arts Council (PAC) serves Parrish and the surrounding communities.  PAC is dedicated to building and enriching the community through the arts.</p>
</div>]]></description><pubDate>Sun, 22 Oct 2023 17:58:29 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/parrish-arts-council-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>Bunker Hill Vineyard &amp; Winery, Inc.</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/bunker-hill-vineyard-winery-inc-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p><strong>Open: Year Round</strong></p>
<p>With all those vast choices of wines on the shelves of your local supermarket, package store and local restaurants wine lists, why should you consider buying our wines? Many of their wines sport exotic places and far-away lands. Many of their labels tout whimsical beasts and staid places. Many of their bottles are decorated with the latest and most colorful plastic and foil gingerbread and closures. Many of their labels talk about their wines clarity and blended flavors. Their wines are mostly filtered and produced in the thousands of cases and are available almost everywhere.</p>
<p>Our wines, however, are 'always' in limited supply. Our grapes are locally grown on our own vines and have their roots buried deeply in the sandy soils of eastern Manatee County, Florida. The grapes that make our wines are from an ancient stock that is native to the southeast United States. They sport names like "Noble, Magnolia, Black Beauty, Supreme and etc.". Collectively, they are, all, Muscadine grapes. These grapes grow more in clusters than in bunches and have skins thicker than almost any other grapes in the world. To the uninformed, the wines made from these grapes are considered inferior to the more popular bunch grapes. The truth is, they make a 'World Class' wine! Our single goal is to produce the 'Gold Standard' of Florida wines and to produce 'Only' World Class wines. </p>
<p>We are "NOT" driven by the mantra of wine clarity, but, rather by the taste, bouquet and flavor of the grape. Our grapes/wines are "NEVER" blended! From the vine to the bottle, we never mix or blend a single grape or carboy of wine! "All" our wines are fermented with the 'skins' of the grape. Yes, even the 'whites'! This insures that our wines are imparted with all the goodness and flavor that nature has stored in the skins. Not a single bottle of our wine is bottled until it is, at least, one year old! Wine needs to rest in order to mature and to stabilize the bouquet and flavor. "All" our wines are "UNFILTERED"! By using the natural force of gravity, we are able to achieve a remarkable level of clarity to our wines. This labor intensive process will take a year to reach maximum clarity. It will entail manual racking's of from three to six times for 'each & every' carboy of wine. Because our goal is to protect the integrity of the taste, bouquet and flavor of the grape, we consider this traditional method vital to creating our wines.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Thu, 20 Aug 2015 03:57:26 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/bunker-hill-vineyard-winery-inc-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item><item><title>Florida Railroad Museum</title><link>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/florida-railroad-museum-parrish</link><description><![CDATA[
<p><strong>Our History</strong><br/><br/>The Florida Railroad Museum, Inc. was founded as The Florida Gulf Coast Railroad Museum with the stated goal of preserving Florida's railroad history. Over the years, the Museum has acquired and preserved rolling stock and equipment to operate for the public's enjoyment. We hope our visitors appreciate the sights and sounds of Florida railroading as it existed in the 1940s and 1950s.<br/><br/>The Museum is a Non-Profit Organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.<br/><br/><strong>Museum Operations</strong><br/><br/>The Ticket Office and Gift Shop is open Wednesday – Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM. The museum's exhibits and train rides operate on weekends only. Our operating train equipment is not available for viewing during the week.<br/><br/>The train operates on a six mile rail line between Parrish and Willow, Florida in rural Manatee County. Built by the Seaboard Air Line Railroad in the early 1900s, this was the first line through Manatee County. Following the merger of the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Airline in 1967, this line was downgraded and finally abandoned in 1986.<br/><br/>Each weekend our diesel powered trains take passengers on an excursion using a variety of open-air, open-window and air conditioned cars. Trains are operated entirely by museum members volunteering thousands of hours a year to make this unique experience possible.<br/><br/><strong>Future Operations</strong><br/><br/>The Museum is currently expanding its facilities in Willow where preservation and repair work is conducted. Additional storage tracks have been built to accommodate a larger collection of rolling stock and provide additional space for restoration work.<br/><br/>A replica Seaboard Air Line Station has been constructed in Willow where passengers may detrain during the excursion. A collection of railroad artifacts are on display in the station.<br/><br/>Join the Museum today and help support of Florida's Railroad History!<br/><br/><strong>Support the Museum</strong><br/><br/>All donations are tax-deductible and go directly towards the General Fund for restoration and operation of the Museum's railway equipment.</p>]]></description><pubDate>Wed, 20 Sep 2006 01:08:53 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://bestlocalthings.com/fl/florida-railroad-museum-parrish</guid><dc:creator>Best Things Editorial</dc:creator></item></channel></rss>